【家族のカラダを整える発酵パワー】調味料の魅力 エンジェル宅配について 2021.01.12
Fermented power to regulate the family's health: The appeal of seasonings 今話題の酵素。幅広い世代の女性が健康・美容のために欠かせないものとして摂取しています。健康に良い食材として古くから食事などにも取り入れられてきた酵素ですが、実は美肌にとても良い効果があるのです。 酵素とは、消化・吸収・代謝・排泄など、生命活動を促すための大切な働きを担っている物質。その正体は、主にタンパク質で成り立っています。酵素にも様々な種類があり、発見されているだけでも約3千種類にのぼると言われています。 そんな多くの種類が存在する酵素ですが、代謝の時に働くのが“代謝酵素”、消化を助けるのが“消化酵素”、食物に含まれるのが“食物酵素”という具合に、3つに分類することができます。 3つの中で、人の体内に存在するのが、代謝酵素と消化酵素。しかしこの2つの酵素は、体内で製造されるのに限りがあります。そうなると、頼れるのは食物酵素ですねl。そこで便利なのが、サプリメントや加工されている酵素食品。野菜・果物・海藻などを発酵・熟成させて作られています。また、出がけにドリンクタイプの酵素飲料を摂るのも手軽でオススメです。 Enzymes are a hot topic today. Women of all ages have been taking enzymes as an essential part of their health and beauty regimen. Enzymes have been included in the diet for a long time as a healthy food, but in fact, they are very effective for beautiful skin. Enzymes are substances that play an important role in promoting biological activities such as digestion, absorption, metabolism, and excretion. Their true nature is mainly made up of proteins. There are various types of enzymes, and it is said that there are about 3,000 different kinds of enzymes that have been discovered. There are many different types of enzymes, but they can be divided into three categories: metabolic enzymes work during metabolism, digestive enzymes aid in digestion, and dietary enzymes are found in food. Of the three, metabolic and digestive enzymes are found in the human body. However, these two enzymes are limited to being manufactured by the body. When that happens, it's the food enzymes that we can rely on. This is where supplements and processed enzyme foods come in handy. These are made by fermenting and maturing vegetables, fruits, and seaweed. Drinking enzyme drinks on the way out is also recommended.